
Astromatic-Wrapper is a python wrapper for Emmanuel Bertin’s AstrOmatic software suite, incuding SExtractor, SCAMP, SWarp, and PSFex. While tools like SExtractor are extraordinarily useful for both their accuracy and speed, because they are command line applications that read their settings from local config files it can be a chore to implement them in a pipeline for reducing large volumes of data, especially in the initial stages of exploring a new set of images. This has led a multitue of astronomers to create their own wrappers for SExtractor and its companions, usually in python or shell script.

Why another wrapper for AstrOmatic Software?

While there are a number of open source astromatic wrappers already they often treat each code differently, requiring an entirely different API to interact with each code. One of the many things that Bertin has done extremely well is to standardize his API so that a single class can easily be written to call any AstrOmatic code the user wishes, which we call the Astromatic class.

The other feature that is unique to this package is the Pipeline class, designed to aid users in creating pipelines to automatically reduce large volumes of images. If a user simply wants to run SExtractor or SCAMP on a single image there is no need for a pipeline of any kind, running them from the command line works just fine. The Pipeline class allows the user to build a pipeline step by step and then execute any subset of the steps as desired. After each step is executed a copy of the pipeline is saved using the dill module so that if the pipeline crashes for any reason, it can be restarted where it left off (possibly with changes to its parameters to prevent it from crashing again). The pipeline automatically instructs the AstrOmatic codes to build XML log files and links them to the pipeline log so that there is a record of each step taken.

Finally, AstrOmatic codes use an outdated file format FITS_LDAC that doesn not conform to the official FITS standard and the XML output VOTables also do not all conform to the votable standard. Astromatic_Wrapper contains functions to convert FITS_LDAC files to astropy tables and vice versa, as well as mask votable fields that do not match the standard. It’s little things like these that I hope will save other astronomers the time I had to put in to write them myself.